Tuesday, April 28, 2020

School based oral health program

The journey continues in promoting awareness and treatment of the diseased condition of oral health from the school level. HDSN started its another school oral health program in remote part of Lalitpur district. The program started from Shree Sarshwoti Lower secondary school in Lele. Oral health screening and treatment of 200 students done in the school premises. Treatment done in the form of restorations (ART), extraction and fluoride application. Along with the treatment awareness program was conducted.

School based health program

#handwashing awareness program for everyone to prevent from every sorts of communicable diseases. #Startfromschool #BABUproject including integrated health awareness and treatment program which runs round the year.
#HDSN #Awareness #Nepal

Monday, April 27, 2020

HDSN-Oral Health Program

Oral health is an essential part of our overall health and well-being, whether we are 3, 23, 53 or 83 years old. Oral health is multi-faceted and includes the ability to speak, smile, smell, taste, chew and most importantly convey a range of emotions through facial expressions with confidence and without pain,discomfort and disease of the craniofacial complex. (Fdi
Dr. Bijay Tamang

Oral health program/ dental camp-Tukuche

Oral health program/ dental camp-Tukuche. The program supported by Dhampus foundation, The Netherlands.

Dr. Bijay Tamang

Integrated health camp in dalchowki

Integrated health camp in dalchowki
-Dr. Bijay Tamang

Integrated health camp/ dental camp at Dhusel, Lalitpur

Oral health program/ dental camp. Dr. Bijay Tamang

Brushing Technique

Place your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to the gums.
Gently move the brush back and forth in short (tooth-wide) strokes.
Brush the outer surfaces, the inner surfaces, and the chewing surfaces of the teeth.
To clean the inside surfaces of the front teeth, tilt the brush vertically and make several up-and-down strokes


oral health education program for school children

oral health education program for school children
Dr. Bijay Tamang

A mandatory bonding service program and its effects on the perspectives of young doctors in Nepal

Introduction: To address regional differences in the distribution of health workers between rural and urban areas, the Nepal government has adopted the policy of deploying fresh medical graduates to remote areas for 2 years under a compulsory bonding service program. However, the impact of such an approach of redistribution of human resources for health is not well understood, nor is the experience of the health workers who are deployed. This study aimed to understand the experience of the medical graduates who have served under the bonding service program and suggest ways to improve the program as well as to make health service provision easier through the young doctors. Methods: A semi-structured questionnaire-based survey was administered online to 69 young medical doctors who had worked under the bonding service program. The responses were analysed qualitatively and the findings were presented in separate pre-established domains. Results: Most young doctors felt they were not adequately prepared for the bonding service program. Adapting to the deployed place and to the local culture was a challenge to some young doctors, which hindered their potential to serve the local community. Most found the response from the rural communities to be positive even though they faced some challenges in the beginning. While the young doctors found serving the rural communities motivating, they felt that they were limited in their capacity to provide an optimal level of health service due to limitations of infrastructure and medical equipment. They also felt that the compulsory bonding program had stunted their growth potential as medical doctors without adequately compensating them for their time and service. Conclusion: Despite the program's noble intentions, the medical doctors who were involved with the bonding service program felt that the program had yet to address several basic needs of the doctors who were deployed for service provision. In order to motivate the doctors to work in rural areas in future after the compulsory binding has ended, the stakeholders need to address the existing gaps in policies and infrastructure.


Oral health program- Okhaldhunga

Dental caries is one of the most prevalent childhood diseases in Nepal, especially in the young children. Most of the dental caries are not ...